Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Music of The Day!

John Mayer - Born and Raised

I'm not a fan of John Mayer. But I like his music. But, since John's latest album Born and Raised has been released and I owned it, maybe i've been his fan. And, this song is hit me. It's beautiful, the lyrics are so inspirational (and somehow I can relate my life to this song). 

Perfume - スパイス (Spice)

To be honest, this song is one of the first Perfume's song i've ever heard (the first goes to Polyrhythm, the second and third goes to... between this and VOICE). Spice is purely beautiful. The instrument, the vocal (even it's vocoded. But not heavy like their other songs), the lyrics, the PV, the dance (and the FULL dance on the JPN Tour! OMG) everthing! This song never failed to give me chill when I'm in a bad mood. Not to mention Spice is different compare to other singles theor ever made. It's totally great.


It's not like I will make something like this consistently every day, though :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pesan Lumayan Singkat Dari Temanmu

Walaupun masih ada yang galau karena tukang posnya belum dateng-dateng, Saya mau ngucapin selamat buat temen-temen yang udah menjadi lulusan tahun ini! Sebagai temen (yang sebenernya seangkatan masuk tapi beda keluarnya) Saya ikut seneng+mendoakan yang terbaik buat kalian semuaaaa!

Tapi pasti ada satu dua hal yang bakal berbeda, kalian bukan anak sma/smk lagi, bukan anak kecil lagi dan udah bisa dibilang punya kendali yang cukup besar untuk diri sendiri. Rutinitas kalian bakal berubah, pergaulan dan cara gaul kalian akan berubah, komunitas dan lingkungan yang kalian akan alami juga pasti akan berubah.

Sedikit sentimen sih ya Saya bikin yang ginian hahaha tapi ya mungkin wajar aja (bagi Saya) yang ditinggalin sama temen-temen seperjuangan dari awal SD (wow!) sampe sekarang, ngeliat kalian udah siap buat melihat dunia sedangkan Saya masih harus berjuang sedikit lebih lama :)

Ketika kalian terus melangkah buat masa yang akan datang, Saya juga, sebagai pelajar akan mendapatkan tantangan-tantangan baru yang Saya harus kerjakan di dunia (pelatihan) kerja nanti dan tahun terakhir Saya disekolah selama 4 tahun yang sampai sekarang Saya masih takut untuk membayangkannya.

Nanti, ketika suatu saat rutinitas kita mulai berbeda Saya ingin hubungan yang selama ini kita jalin tidak berubah sama sekali. Perubahan itu pasti, tapi jangan sampai merubah apa yang sudah kita bina. Sekali lagi, mungkin ini terlalu berlebihan dan sentimen banget tapi ya apa daya, ini beberapa hal dari sebagian yang Saya pikirkan akhir-akhir ini.

Mengutip kata-kata dari salah satu sahabat Saya "Masuk bareng, Keluar misah, Sukses bersama", ini bukan akhir tapi awal dari perjuangan untuk meraih impian kita!


What A Shame We All Became To Such A Broken Things~

Setuju. Lama2 org males romantis karena entar disebut galau. Males peduli takut disebut kepo. Males mendetil takut dibilang rempong - @sudjiwotedjo 

Bener banget apa yang di tweet sama Pak/Mas/Bang/Bung/Mister Sudhiwo Tedjo yang kebetulan di RT teman Saya dan Saya RT lagi. Saat ini sepertinya semua hal itu ada sebutannya. Kadang mau nge-tweet aja suka pikir ulang berapa kali karena kadang ada orang-orang diluar sana yang hanya bisa mengkrtitik tanpa sebab yang jelas dan tidak mau tau apa alasan kita menulis sesuatu itu.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 Photoshoot @KELAS_K untuk Buku Tahunan Bagian Kedua

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When Lady Gaga's BTW Ball in Indonesia Canceled....

Great job, Indonesian!

Indonesian Islamic group and conservative law-makers or whatever they call has successed to make the police denied permit for Gaga's tour. CONGRATS!

First of all, you have to know that I AM a muslim (respect!) and a proudly Indonesia citizen. But NOT in this case. BTW Ball canceled because they said her sexy clothes and dance moves will corrupt the youth

will corrupt the youth

will corrupt the youth

will corrupt the youth

will corrupt the youth


Despite the fact that I am (maybe) will not attending the concert even it's not canceled, and that I just a casual listener for her songs, AND a muslim and Indonesian, I couldn't react better than DISAGREE with all of these argument!

I mean, what kind of 'corrupt the youth' that they're talking about? The sexy clothes? Everyone has seen the sexiest clothes from magazine (Indonesian magazine!), every-single-female-artist on TV and the most common Girlband and some of Dangdut performers! Dance moves? ARE YOU SERIOUS? You all might be never watch Tiga Macan (sorry girls, but it's true) provocative clothes and 'sexy' dance moves, and the other Orkes Keliling (I don't even know their name. In Bahasa)!!!!!!!!

Come one, again, what kind of 'corrupt the youth' that you think? It's not like 240 million people in Indonesia will come and see her concert, right? We are mature enough to be able to separate our own moral values from arts and culture and what's bad and good.

When we will be a developed country if something like this happened ALL THE TIME? In school, we thought about globalization culture, modern culture and HOW to take it and use it in our daily life without leaving our culture and beliefs.


NB :

How could this 


and this

 corrupt our youth? I don't even want to put those meat-dress on my body. Just watch it is enough for me -,-

Friday, May 11, 2012

Random Post (16)... edited

Just been thinking about this :

It's true that being mainstream is not a good thing or bad thing either. But the fact that being mainstream, in other hands being 'generic' or 'same' like another, means 'mainstream' is like something hateful nowadays. I agree, sometimes I don't want to be mainstream. I kept searching something different like music, artist, movies or whatever else but that's not mean I do not like mainstream things. Because, you like it or not, mainstream things can connect you to someone else. Not everybody knows what you known.

And what I really meant is, like what I always said, whatever the things are, wether it's mainstream or not,  if you like it, you will like it. Ah, and, if somethings you like didn't mainstream, when someone else like it, and everyone likes too, it will be mainstream.

So, what's the point?



I want these things so bad :

- Harry Potter books full-set.
- if they will release it, Perfume JPN Tour Live DVD. I will try my best to save my money for it! I mean, in Rupiah, the cost will be between 300K and 500K so... o_o

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

10 Photoshoot @KELAS_K untuk Buku Tahunan Bagian Pertama!

Ini sebagian foto dari sesi foto untuk buku tahunan sekolah. Yang ini di ambil oleh panitia dan yang satu lagi (kalau udah dapet dibuat postingan lagi babak kedua hahaha) diambil dari kamera milik saudara Desi Shofiya yang belum ngasih-ngasih fotonya hihihihi (peace des! :) ).

Foto-foto yang disini yang menurut Saya (cukup) bagus dan Saya sedikit ubah-ubah gitu. Karena Saya males upload di FB, jadi post disini aja sekalian kasih ke orang-orangnya hahaha ini diaaaa :

@anisaastari, @dienahanfa dan @nelitaaas. Ini favorit banget sumpah 

Mahdi SS, gue sendiri, @JoseFahrid

@bebermoni, @DEASHINTIA dan @camougeya

@TantiSN, @714_pika, Desi Shofiya, @yulianlian

Zulkhair, Derangga, Alif

@yogacadabra, @Uki_Firmansyah, @nurachmanpyan, @ryogasaurus

@Aldy_Rachman, @ThessaSenzayaP, M. Iham Akbar, @ilhamsiddak

@nafhularsyad dan @oktaaaaaw



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mulutmu Harimaumu

It's not a secret anymore that eveyone love to share something, from a simple things to big things in social networking media. Let's be honest, even I love to do that sometimes. It's kind of, a place to release out opinion in a safe way. But, you know, that, even your opinion is right, it doesn't mean you have to share every-single-thing about that in your media, right? well, I don't know if it's right or not but it's my opinion anyway.

And what I really mean is, you can't throw something to your timeline or media everything! Moreover something based on anger feeling. You have to think twice because not eveyone will agree wit your thought.
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