Friday, March 30, 2012


Tahun ini Mama menua lagi 1 tahun sekarang umurnya 49 tahun ._. 
Saya cuma berharap Mama selalu sehat, panjang umur, bisa Saya senengin, bahagia selalu, bisa jalanin hidup setenang mungkin deh gausah cape-cape lagi.

Eh ini, ngedadak banget sama si teteh cari kue buat si mama tadi, kita cari dari buah batu sampe BIP dan ini dia kuenya :

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Segala puji bagi Allah swt. yang atas rahmat dan hidayahnya, sehingga penulisan dokumentasi ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.
Tujuan disusunnya dokumentasi Aplikasi Permainan “Awas Mobil Gila!” berbasis Java Mobile adalah untuk memenuhi tugas dari guru mata pelajaran Pemrograman Java II. Tidak lupa penyusun mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar – besarnya kepada :
1.    Bapak Drs. Asep Dada Wahyudin, MMPd. Selaku kepala sekolah SMK Negeri 4 Bandung.
2.    Bapak Dadan, Selaku kepala program studi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak sekaligus sebagai pembimbing I.
3.    Ibu Imas Rahayu ,S.Pd. Selaku wali kelas XII-K
4.    Ibu Yuyun Tresnawati, S.Kom. Selaku guru pembimbing I.
5.    Bapak Kurnia Jaya Eliazar. Selaku guru pembimbing II.
6.    Kang Naufal Eka, Kelas XIII-L, karena telah memberikan referensi untuk Tugas Akhir ini.
7.    Rekan-rekan XII-K yang telah membantu seluruh proses pengerjaan baik dokumentasi maupun aplikasi sampai akhirnya Tugas Akhir ini dapat terselesaikan.

Penulis menyadari bahwa penulisan Tugas akhir ini masih jauh dari sempurna, untuk itu penulis memohon kritik, saran atau masukan yang bersifat membangun demi kesempurnaan penulisan dimasa yang akan datang.

Akhir kata semoga Tugas Akhir ini dapat di gunakan sebagai mana mestinya serta berguna bagi penulis khususnya dan bagi para pembaca yang berminat pada umumnya.

Bandung, Maret 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Random Post (15)

Practic Test, Final Exam, Pre-National Exam, National Exam. Oh god. Time passes faster than I originally  thought.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Limited Edition
Regular Edition

Perfume, Japanesse techno-pop group has started their mission to destroy our earth be a global act. And now, their first single under UMJ (Universal Music Japan) and in 2012 so far, has drop in full! The single itself will have 4 tracks (also include 2 instrumental, as usual) along side the single (A-side) and the unknown B-side.

listen to the Radio Rip of their latest SUPER GREAT single 'Spring of Life' below :

And their teaser for 'Spring of Life' PV (well, maybe) :


NB : I'm never STAN for a singer like this before except for Paramore. And with this, I declare that I will STAN for them to! 


The Hunger Games (Movie Poster)
FINALLY! After a long long long wait, I watched the movie! You all know (may be not) that I'm a huge fan of Hunger Games Trilogy. And I was so so so excited when I heard that The Hunger Games (The first book) would be a movie! Today (the day after it release) I watched it with my friends, yosef, adul, chantik and ayu but that was not the point hihihihi.

Honestly, the movie was something I don't expected. The story flows well, the original story from the book itself not change too much (even Madge wasn't there), and it very very very... good! You know, sometimes when a book will be shoot as a movie, there will be a slightly difference or even different stroly at all from the book (like in Harry Potter movies, there were so much part they cut for the movies, and it sucks). But, gladly, there were not doing that for The Hunger Games.

For the act itself, it's perfectly fit (for me). They're really fit to my imaginary of Katniss, Peeta or Gale and everyone in the book. And something unexpected happened so many times, like, I don't even imagine the first fight in Cornucopia would be so.... terrifying. And when Rue died, then Katniss sang a song for her, I'm not cry, but it really gave me goosebumps untill the end. Oh, and I don't even know, when Katniss do the district 12 wave (the 3 fingers part, I don't know the name of it), people from District 11 would be so rebellious.

So, The Hunger Games movie was so good. It's amazing. Really capture the imaginary of the book and made perfectly well. It's something I'm not expected, but it's good. I really enjoyed it. The book is my must list book and the movie is the must be watch!

Oh, And I can't wait for Catching Fire to drop next year!!!!!!!!

Here's The Hunger Games official trailer :

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Please, I BEG You...

Buat temen gue, yang duduk diseberang sebelah kiri dan yang didepannya, please, PLEASE...

Gue ga masalah lo mau pake pengserut gue karena pasti kalian minjem itu pas beginning aja....

Tapi, once again, PLEASE, PLEASE, buy yourself an eraser, PLEASE! Gue ga tahan setiap gue mau ngerjain itu soal Ujian Sekolah, both of you always (Every single time) called me and said "Put, Put, pinjem penghapus!".....

Gue harus konsentrasi dan gue gabisa terus-terusan main lempar-tangkap penghapus bareng lo berdua......

Dan lagian, penghapus gue jadi sempet kotor dan menodai kesucian LJK gue.

So, PLEASE, go to stationery or book store around your house and BUY AN FUCKING ERASER.

From your best friend and classmate,

Ga Ngerti

Banyak hal yang biasa gue lalui dengan biasa aja, tapi sekarang gue suka ga habis pikir. Entah itu orang lain yang ngelakuin, yang orang lain bicarakan, atau mungkin yang gue lakukan sendiri. Mau tau apa aja? Cekidot! No offense, tapi, kaya beberapa hal ini :

1. Gue, dari dulu, gapernah ngerti sama selera orang-orang dalam hal 'texting', atau apapun yang Gue ga tau namanya, khususnya cara menulis/mengetik. Gue ga bahasa masalah 'alay' disini ya, bukan, tapi 'cara/selera mengetik'. Kalau gue bilang, 'alay' jaman sekarang mah udah absurd, gabisa diartiin, kalau di dokumentasi java mah abstrak. Lu boleh bilang si A alay, tapi? Apa buktinya? toh dia nulis biasa aja ga kaya g!n1 kan?

Ada lagi, sekarang itu lagi banyak bahasa aneh (atau mungkin, gaul) yang lagi beredar. Mulai dari KEPO (Stalking, ngikutin timeline orang, penguntit), WOLES (katanya sih santai) sampe yang paling baru dan gue ga tau apa artinya, KAMSEUPAY (.....). Yang gue masalahin bukan artinya atau apanya ya, tapi pemakaiannya disini. Setau gue, lu pake KEPO itu pas elu masu nge-stalking timeline seseorang.

    Misal, (1) A ngeceng B dan si A ini mau nguntit timeline si B, si B tau kalau A nge-stalking, bentuk kalimatnya jadi :
B (pasang status baru) : Ada yang kepo nih.
(That means, ada yang nge-stalking si B)

    (2) A ngeceng B dan si A ini mau nguntit timeline si B, si C tau kalau A nge-stalking B :
C (ngomong ke A) : Ihhh kamu ngepoin si B yaaahhhhh????
(That means, si A nge-stalking si B)

Yah, itu berasal dari apa yang gue tau ya jadi no offence. Tapi, kalau lu liat dari sudut pandang gue, simple kan? Dan sekarang, gue bingung, sama orang-orang yang bisa ngomong KEPO di every single thing yang dia komen atau dia omongin. For example :

"Apaan sih kamu? Sampe segitunya ngebuktiin nilai? KEPO!"


Intinya, gue ga peduli ga akan pernah peduli, mau cara orang nulis gimana, alay engganya, toh ga ngaruh sama hidup gue, tapi satu, satu kata, satu letter itu bisa bikin whole words be something totally different.

2. Gue bingung, gue ga pernah ngerti, gue tau, kalau gue dan temen-temen gue yang notabene masih menyandang status pelajar, kudu harus wajib saling kejar-kejaran dalam hal prestasi. Tapi, apa itu berarti kita saling ngejatuhin? Engga kan? Setau gue, yang seharusnya antar rekan itu kaya gini :

A : Kamu nilai Ulangan berapa B?
B : Nilai aku 80 euy, kamu A?
A : Aku 100 nih.
B : Weis, hebat! Ajarin lah aku gangerti!
A : Iya hayuuuu sini aku ajarin!
dst dst dst

Dan yang gue lihat, dengar, rasakan sekarang :


A : Kamu nilai Ulangan berapa B?
B : Nilai aku 80 euy, kamu A?
A : Ah aku 85! Kamu C berapa?
C : 85 juga nih.
A : Ah, harusnya aku 90 ya! Jadi B 80, C 85, aku 90! Kan ajaib ya keren tuuuh


A : Kamu nilai Ulangan berapa B?
B : Nilai aku 80 euy, kamu A?
A : Aku 100 nih, real!
B : Ah masa? pasti curang ya!
A : Engga kok! 100% real ga diedit!
C : Ah pasti curang tuh!
A : Engga ih engga!
B : Nih ada buktinya! 100 apa 75?
A : APAAN SIH? niat banget! Dasar KEPO!


Intinya, maksud gue, selama ini orang itu ribet banget ngurusin orang alay yang nyatanya? Orang gaul sendiri kadang lebih kampungan dari yang seharusnya. Terus, masalah nilai, terserah lu mau bilang apa, gue rasa ga sepantasnya sesama teman saling menjatuhkan kaya gitu. Emang bener, kalau ada temen yang nilainya bagus kita harus seneng dan ikut ngasih selamat, tapi buat yang nilainya bagus, ga berarti harus diumbar-umbar kan? Apalagi kalau sampai kita yang punya nilai dicerca, ngebales sedemikian rupa dengan bahasa yang gaenah dilihat dan didenger. Coba pikirin, terus reflect ke diri kamu sendiri.


NB : KEPO LU LIAT BLOG GUA! Makasih udah liat-liat blog gue ya :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Random Post (14)

Recently, I like to mix or make a tracklist of some songs to my own tracklist, such as a setlist for a tour lol.
It's like.... imagine Ayu Ting Ting is... wait, she only have 2 songs. Okay, imagine if Ayu has more than 2 songs and you really like them all. Usually, I will play them all on shuffle mode so I will curious, like.. 'Oh, what will she play after this? OMG! I love this song! OMG OMG!'.......... well it's not 100% happened like that but, kind of. :>

And, like what I said, I (now) like to make a playlist like 'My Own %Put your fave name here% Tracklist'. Use Ayu again, it should be 'My Own Ayu Tracklist'. So, I will imagine what song should be the opener, the next one, after that, the break, the calming song, the jumping song, the blabla song and then the ending or even the encore lol what am I doing.


Thursday, March 15, 2012


This morning, suddenly I had made a playlist on my iPod named 'Nyantai' (it means similiar to relax/relaxed). Sooooo the songs I put on it were the shooting and calming type of songs. Here's the list :

*oh, please note that my taste of music somehow 'different' than others so... just watch yourself*

1. The A Team - Ed Sheeran
2. Be The One - The Ting Tings
3. The Best Thing - Perfume
4. C U Next Tuesday - Ke$ha (Well, somehow this song is calming for me)
5. Cold Case Love - Rihanna
6. Doesn't Mean Anything - Alicia Keys
7. Flume - Bon Iver
8. Foundation - Perfume
9. Goodbye - Avril Lavigne
10. Have A Stroll - Perfume
11. How I Roll - Britney Spears (Like Ke$ha, this song somehow made me calm lol)
12. I Miss You - Beyonce (It kinda... weird to hear this after How I Roll hahaha)
13. I Still Love U - Perfume (It has a hard 80s beat actually)
14. In The Mourning - Paramore
15. Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
16. Like A Star - Corrine Bailey Rae
17. Make You Feel My Love - Adele
18. Kokoro No Sports - Perfume (The beat goes hard from the bridge to the chorus)
19. The Opening - Perfume (Intsrumental Only...)
20. Over My Dead Body - Drake (Somehow, it perfectly fit after The Opening by Perfume dunno why)
21. Photographs - Rihanna feat. Will.I.Am
22. Safe And Sound - Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars
23. Seventh Heaven - Perfume
24. Spice - Perfume
25. This - Ed Sheeran
26. 23:30 - Perfume
27. 575 - Perfume
28. Macaroni - Perfume
29. Negai (Wish) - Perfume

So, in conclusion, if you really look closely, some of them didn't really have a 'calming' or 'smooth' instrument at all. Like in so many Perfume's songs, Ke$ha's and Britney's. But, the point is, calming song doesn't have to be a swing, soul or acoustic type to calms you. Then again, it depend on what your taste of music is. So, be true to what you want to hear, not what mainstream or what everybody heard! :)



The truth is, my birthday was on March 10th (about 5 days ago). But whatever just happy birthday (to me)!!!
Now, I am an officiall 18 old years boy! So it means, I will face the fact that I am being older than any of my friends am.... I will say I am happy.

But that's not the main point on some topics I want to share right now. But the fact that I'm 18yo now, the only thing that I am 'aware' is I have to grow, being more mature. No time to think or act childish. It don't mean I can't act childish, actually but it's more like I can't think like the way I used to think.

And, you know, It kinda weird the way it hits me. Suddenly, I want to take some part-time job or something like that just to earn my own money so I can buy something on my own. It is really simple yet I never think about it even once (well, I do said about it but never really thought about it).

What I really meant is, everyday, every-single-day is a step to grow. Just don't let every single simple thing passed by. At least keep one of them and think about it. We don't know when we will die, right? :)


Nb : Something missing and I don't know why. And, I just want to say sorry about this post, don't know why =))

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ANNOUNCEMENT! *Serasa Orang Penting*

Actually, it seems so 'something that I should've done earlier' thing but you know....... 
Maybe, for a while i will NOT post anything in this blog and my tumblr either because... i just can't.
I DO HAVE a time to open the browser and surf the net but  I DON'T HAVE any inspirations to be a post. Well, I DO have inspirations but sometimes (so many times) it just ended up being a draft. And I think it's better left behind like that rather than I post it with half-heartness kind of thing and it will makes the posts even worst.

So..... I DO WILL keep posting, but I DON'T KNOW when. If the waves of inspirations (and willingness) HIT me so hard, I WILL posting this. Afterall, I DO HAVE so many things that I want to share but, I just can't post it yet.

Thanks all! (If there anyone read it)

Saturday, March 3, 2012


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